Every business with a website will at some point realize that they need to concentrate on optimizing their website. Chances are that no one in the company will have the skill set needed to accomplish the optimization plan. So the next course of action is finding a third party to optimize the website for a fee.
There are benefits to outsourcing the optimization of your website. First, you do not have to employ the company or person doing the work, saving you employee-related expenses. Second, your staff can concentrate on their assigned duties and everyday tasks. Selling to and/or servicing your customers will remain your team’s priority, while your optimization is managed by an expert.
A downside to outsourcing is coming across the company that says they can do it, but in reality cannot due to lack of know how. Conduct your own research on the companies you are considering. Visit their websites to see if theirs are optimized properly. If their website is not optimized properly, how will they successfully optimize yours?
A quick check to see if the company is an optimizer includes finding what you can identify, which are the title, keywords and description. These are a part of the source code for the pages. See if the page title aligns with the keywords and description.
<title> Web Design, Web Applications, Search Engine Optimization, Website Design : Buffalo,
NY : 360 PSG </title
<meta name=“Keywords” content=“website design, web developer, internet applications,
web hosting, content management system” />
<meta name=“Description” content=“Servicing web solutions including website design,
custom web applications, e-commerce and e-mail marketing campaigns in Buffalo, NY, across the
United States, and around the world.” />
The above is a perfect example of a non-optimized web page. Notice the title, keywords and description all reflect different services the company performs. A properly optimized website will have these all very similar, if not exactly the same, including the positioning of the keywords in the title, keywords and description.
<title>Learn how to do SEO :: Free Search Engine Optimization Tips :: SEO :: PPC :: SEM</title>
<meta name=“description” content=“Welcome to SearchandRank.com home for free SEO search engine
optimization tips on how to help improve your rankings. From what Meta-Descriptions, Keywords are
to (PPC) pay-per-click strategies. Learn how to SEO for free or have our experts do it for you!” />
<meta name=“keywords” content=“SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, SEM,
Free SEO Tips, PPC Strategies, Learn How To Do SEO, Online Marketing” />
The second example shows what the three sections of the source code should look like – an alignment of all 3 categories which will improve search engine rankings regardless of what else you do to the page. This is because you are improving the relevancy of the page in the back end, where the search engine spiders look. So, please be careful in choosing your SEO company. The ones that promise and don’t deliver are the ones giving companies like mine a bad reputation, probably because they are still in the infant stages of their studies about SEO.